Thursday, November 1, 2012

Beer Sampling - Short's Brewing Co.'s Black Cherry Porter

Among the myriad of MI-area beers I brought back, Short's Brewing Co.'s Black Cherry Porter was included. Based on what I've seen on the shelves, their bottled beers are varied and vast. I've tried their Soft Parade (fruit infused rye ale) and their Huma Lupa Licious (IPA). I was really tempted to pick-up, if only for novelty's sake, their Bloody Beer, a "light bodied beer fermented with Roma tomatoes and spiced with dill, horseradish, peppercorns, and celery seed." YUM. Who wouldn't want one of those on a Sunday morning?!

Anyway, I dragged back a six-pack of the Black Cherry Porter and shared four with my brother and father-in-law. There's no description on their website for the beer, so you'll have to trust me and rely on mine if you're interested in its flavor profile. Here we go!

Short's Black Cherry Porter

Short's Brewing Co. Black Cherry Porter - 7.0%abv; brewed with black cherry puree; color-wise, this beer is dark, almost oil-like; there are some very slight red tinges in the head, which is a bit frothy and sits at about a quarter inch; the lacing is substantial and stays on the glass well after a sip subsides; the nose is very dark roasted, almost bitter; there is a very light sweetness in the aroma; that said, there really isn't any cherry flavor here; it's pretty bitter on the tongue, almost coffee roasted; again, some very light sweetness in flavor but the cherry is non-distinguished; interesting taste for sure and heavy like a porter!

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