Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beer Advocate Profile

I went out and made one...finally...and moved some 50-odd reviews from the blog over to there.

My profile is here.

I also went out and organized a Facebook group as I attempt to encourage a loose collection of friends and family to get together on a regular basis for a bottle share. The group is called the Front Range Bottle Share and the Facebook page is here. We'll see if I can grease the wheels on the idea and start getting folks together to share, explore, and enjoy.

I'm also going to start to at least TRY and use the typically utilized criteria for beer reviews:


Does the ASTMO acronym seem a little odd to anyone else?

You can learn more about these designations from the Beer Advocate website and/or below:

What to look for 
There are five categories to evaluating a beer with your review: 

Appearance - Note the beer's color, carbonation, head and its retention. Is it clear or cloudy? Does it look lackluster and dull or alive and inviting? 

Smell - Bring the beer to your nose. Note the beer's aromatic qualities. Malts: sweet, roasty, smoky, toasty, chocolaty, nutty, caramelly, biscuity? Hops: dank / resiny, herbal, perfumy, spicy, leafy, grassy, floral, piney, citrusy? Yeast will also create aromas. You might get fruity or flowery aromas (esters) from ales and very clean aromas from lagers, which will allow the malt and hop subtleties to pull through. 

Taste - Take a deep sip of the beer. Note any flavors, or interpretations of flavors, that you might discover. The descriptions will be similar to what you smell. Is the beer built-well? Is there a balance between the ingredients? Was the beer brewed with a specific dominance of character in mind? How does it fit the style? 

Mouthfeel - Take another sip and let it wander. Note how the beer feels on the palate and its body. Light, heavy, chewy, thin / watery, smooth or coarse? Was the beer flat, over-carbonated? 

Overall - Your overall impression of the beer. 

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