Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beer Sampling - Cigar City Jai Alai IPA

Cigar City Jai Alai 

I continued my exploration of recently received Cigar City brews with the cranking open of my Jai Alai IPA in a can. Here are my notes, with the beer poured from aforementioned can in to the above-viewable and always favorite snifterpint:

Crisp looking and deep gold/amber with some sediment present; exceptional foam, nearly a full inch; heavy lacing as well; smell-wise, this beer is really floral; smells like tangerines and oranges; Jai Alai has a pretty subdued taste given the heavy hints of hop and citrus on the nose; I'm getting notes of hops, bitter orange and tropical fruit, and some kind of cream; there is depth here, but I can't pinpoint what the layers are; it's crisp, creamy, and makes my glands salivate when I drink it; there's a solid malt-hop balance in the mouth; the bitter hops linger long on the tongue; overall, this is a solid IPA...plenty of punch packed without tasting too boozy. Great can of beer that I liken to Ska's Modus Hoperandi...with a little less bitter-hop up front and a lot more creaminess. 

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