Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Great Divide, Denver

Great Divide Brewing, visited 3/10/12  (http://greatdivide.com/)

A first stop on another mini brewery tour for Holly's brother's birthday. I've been to Great Divide a few times in the past, the last time in the summer of 2010 for Kyle Hollingsworth's Brewfest. I love the brewery and I love the beer. The venue is in a great downtown location, and while no food was present or served, a tasty looking food truck was posted up out front serving up around 7 different kinds of gourmet-ish looking sliders. The entry bar room is a little tight, but the bigger beer room in the back has plenty of space and great seating. This room is also exposed to the huge windows through the brewery room itself. The sun was shining through on a gorgeous and warm Saturday afternoon. Here's what we tried:

Hercules Double IPA - 10%abv; unknown ibus; love this in a bottle and on draft; pre-conceived notions of flavor; light head; significant lacing; exceptional bitter citrus on the nose; light lemon grapefruit notes too; the beer is very hop-forward, but retains good beer balance; a little nutty malted flavor here; easy on the mouth; could drink this all day; one of the boozier beers that hides his ABV content extremely well.

Espresso Oak Aged Yeti - 9.5%abv; good head...1/4 inch of brown foam; dark chocolate in color; good cocoa, coffee and even vanilla hints in the nose; very well-balanced; love the espresso overtones; after trying the Belgian Yeti in a bottle the night before, this one kind of blows it away; oak and subtle hop flavors on the back of the tongue.

Wild Raspberry Ale - 5.6%abv; no lacing; little head; very red in color; very fruit forward on the nose; love that it's more flavorful than a wheat; great balance; good beer...really enjoyed the refreshing taste on a warm day; good solid light fruit offering in a crowd of 'big' beers.

Oak Aged Yeti - 9.5%abv; why not try my second full draft of Yeti for the day and the third different Yeti in a 24-hour period; good near half-inch head; solid lacing; powerful oak on the nose; very earthy; slightly sweet up front; light cocoa and bitter; surprisingly hoppy; well-balanced; some hints of roasted vanilla; ultimately my favorite Yeti; this beer could get me drunk; super clean finish; still get the oak taste at the back end.

Great Divide is a downtown institution. It was slamming the entire 2 hours we were there. We even toured the brewery for shits and giggles. We tried a few other beers in sample sizes like the Hoss Rye Lager and the Nomad Pilsner, but I didn't consume more than a few sips and therefore refuse to give either a review. If you're heading to the stadium for a Rockies game, or anywhere near downtown and want to try some of the best of what CO as a whole has to offer, go to Great Divide. You won't regret it.

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